Sunday 30 October 2022

Is it beneficial or harmful to play mobile games for children?

 Are mobile games beneficial or harmful for your children? Often parents are very confused about this topic. Most of the parents think that games can spoil the kids and waste their time. If education experts are to be believed, mobile games have a bad effect on the mind of children and can spoil their studies. The media and experts easily target Violent mobile games and give the statement that due to these types of mobile games, the behavior of children is bad and inappropriate.

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But most scientists and psychologists believe that there are many benefits of mobile games, such as children becoming smart. Mobile games help children in high level thinking. This benefits the children immensely in future also.

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According to psychologist C. Sean Green of the University of Wisconsin, mobile games have a profound effect on our brain. Playing mobile games changes the physical structure of the brain, just like studying, playing the piano and using a gadget. This type of exercise increases the concentration power of the brain.

Mark Pilos, author of a study published in Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, gave a statement on playing mobile games that it affects not only the reactions of our brain but also its structure.

However, we cannot completely ignore the fact that excessive gaming has a negative effect on children. Today we will tell you about some good and bad effects of mobile games in this article. Its advantages and disadvantages have been mentioned and calculated by many researchers and child experts. So let's know about the ill effects of mobile games on children –

More popular than the advantages of video games are their disadvantages. Most parents already know that playing mobile games can harm their child. But they do not know that the effects on the brain of children by playing mobile games can also be positive. Following are the benefits of mobile games for children –

play as a team

Most of the mobile games nowadays are played online in which players from many other countries are also present. This encourages them to play with others. These types of mobile games make your child learn to work as a team which helps him in problem solving and life.

learning to make decisions

During mobile gaming, the player often has to make many hasty decisions. By taking the decision in these situations, the baby's brain develops better. Children learn about many great things of decision making in life due to the ignorant decisions of mobile games. This gives them an understanding of the impact their decision may have. Children playing mobile games are often able to make quick decisions in fields like sports or medicine.

stay true for a long time

With mobile games, the process of decision making of children remains good and they become more capable of taking decisions by assessing the situation in the right way. This is a very important skill to be used in life. Even soldiers and doctors are advised to play video games to make their decision making skills more efficient.

hand-eye coordination

Playing mobile games brings a better balance between the hands and eyes of the children. With the help of this, fast signals are sent to the brain through their eyes. Their direct effect can be seen through the fast movements of their hands and fingers. This type of training of the nerves of the brain helps them in coordinating their daily hand and eye reactions. This benefits the child in activities like sports and solving puzzles.

brain development

When our brain repeats the same thing over and over again, its structure changes and it starts creating new neural pathways and transmitters. This improves the functioning of the brain. When there is a situation in mobile games in which more concentration is required, then this optimization of the brain starts solving that task or problem faster. This sharp skill of the brain helps in solving life problems.

health problem

Children can have many types of health problems due to playing more games in mobile. If the child continuously spends the whole day playing mobile games on his phone, then he is not able to adjust with the outside world. It has a direct impact on their development. Sitting in one place for a long time increases the risk of conditions like obesity, weak muscles and joints, numbness of hands and fingers and weak eyesight.

problems with studies

Playing mobile games daily and continuously for many hours has a bad effect on the child's studies. Not only in school, he is also sedentary in household chores. They lose their mind from homework, tests and studies. Due to excessive mobile gaming, the performance of the child can deteriorate and it can have a wrong effect on his emotions.

wrong learning

Fifth note of musical scale

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Is it beneficial or harmful to play mobile games for children?

 Are mobile games beneficial or harmful for your children? Often parents are very confused about this topic. Most of the parents think that ...